I really can not stand a victim.  The entire country is in a recession right now- not just you and not just you.  Yes, most people refuse to see beyond their own microcosm, but because you opted to convince yourself that you are the only one struggling does not make that an accurate assessment.  There are mother's with children who have lost their job. In fact at my alumni mixer one of my classmates who has a son had recently lost her job.  She was on her grind to get another job.  She was not sitting home complaining and talking stoopidity [misspelled on purpose].
     I do not care if you applied for 20 jobs, then apply for 30. The bottom line is unless you are in a position to make a demand in your CAREER field of choice you are susceptible to this recession.  So if to date you have not even done what you need to do to be in your career then do not walk around stomping like somebody stole ya gotdamn bike! You are not in an employee's market, you are in an employer's market.  They can pay less than what they normally would offer because everyone is in dire need of employment.  Yes, the economy sucks, but employer's are still running a business. 
     Most people do not know how to market themselves in general, but in this economy you really need to learn how to market yourself, because employers are looking for people they can get in at a lower price and keep them at the lower rate--they know the market will eventually pick back up and they do not want to conduct a mass hiring then.  So its your job to get in while you can and do what you need to do to strike with your monetary demands when the iron is hot again.
    So here's what still baffles me-I am a month shy of 30-and the amount of people I have lost to the "streets" ..... im always speechless about it.  I mean from teens to grown ass people.  It makes you wonder ... its 2009 almost 2010 anyone who is from the inner cities should feel me, when do we learn. Seriously, when do we stop making ourselves statistics.  Why are people such a bunch of bitches!!! Yes, I said it!!! We all know people that have had extenuating circumstances and had to go to the streets to keep a roof over their seeds head and food in their seeds mouth, but I still don't believe that is the only option.  I have always made it a point not to judge anyone and to allow people to live their lives as I expect them to allow me to live my life, but with my hood looking like the 80s again and people with no financial obligations whining about how difficult it is to find a job so they are going to the street - I have to call it out as a bitch move. Rather than grind, hustle everyday to find a legit job while you dont have to worry about the roof over your head, you would rather go to the streets.  (-_-)
     Every real street person I have ever known, wished and prayed that they never went to the streets. They all used to tell me if I had a way out I would bail and how they wished they never got into it.  Of course everyone of them loved the perks of having fast money, fast cars, gold digging women, ride or die women, a crew that would die for them or betray them [in this game you never really know one's motives].  At the end of the day, they would have rather been spending time with their family and friends chilling and living life, as opposed to watching over their shoulders at bbq's hoping they haven't just put their families in the line of danger.  Seriously, do New Yorkers not know Giuliani set the stage - ZERO TOLERANCE  is real and so are the New York Rockefeller drug laws. So, you having no actual desperation to your life-you think the streets are the answer?!?!?!?!  (-_-)
     I say all of that to say this.. STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM!!!!!! Grind and shine!!!! If you dont have a job, then you should be spending at least a work day's worth of time looking for work.  If you are not sure that your resume or employment documentations are good and proper ask a good friend who does know about resumes to check them out for you. Google your neighborhood and see if there is an employment center near you-they help you with your resume and cover letter and assist with the job search.  If you do not live near an employment center, then look for your local Department of Labor office, because they have the same resources.  If you are in school, then you should be checking with your on campus job placement center for assistance.
     I do believe that everyone is capable of being better than their last great move. We all have the potential to be great, the difference between those of us who end up being great and those of us who end up falling by the side lines is diligence and perseverance.  Those of us heading for greatness are not perfect and we have not necessarily had everything handed to us - but we are not afraid to make a mistake, not afraid to step outside the box, not afraid to be the only one who believes in us, not the only in our space-we don't only grind for our individual shine, etc. Seriously I could go on all day, but I won't.  I do hope that this inspires people to be great and not to be a victim!!!!
      No one celebrates victims, victims need protection not celebration-- we celebrate survivors!!!!! Be a survivor!!!! bFearless.