This piece is dedicated to everyone with a luxury automobile, luxury purses, uber footwear, etc but still live at home con madre y padre o abuela y abuelo... I dont care if you live con tio o tia..grow da fucc up and get your priorities together.

If you got $700 + for a purse, then yo ass got rent money. If you cried when petit peton closed because you got $450+ for shoes, yo ass got utilities money. If you pushing an SUV with gas prices that fluctuate more than Oprah's weight, yo damn kids better be well cared for.

I have reached my wits end with the dumb shit. The NYC club scene is a rest heaven for frauds, if your parent ain't sick and yo ass is grown, you should not be living with them. Its stank. 25 and you bringing dates back to ya mom's crib, word thats cute-where??? I know its hard to find an apartment in NYC, especially if you are under 25, but it ain't impossible.

I am so through with the chicks posted up with Speedy bags in a size LV don't even make.. no really ma, for real, is that what you do with ya free time. PAHV. Even worse is to see the hood's finest posted with a real bag, while their kids look like they been ran over then backed up over by a damn dirt bike, I mean where are your damn priorities. Furthermore, if yo ass lives at home and you at the clubs paying the 150% markup on bottles, you need to get popped in yo damn eye with a cork. Seriously people over 25 this message is for you specifically-GET YOUR LIFE TOGETHER.

It is unattractive and it sends the wrong message, and just in case you were wondering..IT DOES MAKE YOU PAH-VER-TEE.